Finding common ground between tribal and industry culture, moving forward together.


Our business starts with respect and kindness. From there, IBA uses its deep understanding of both Tribal culture and industry culture to find common ground between the two. There is a large chasm between corporate ways of doing business and the ways in which an indigenous nation or business operates. A lot of times, both groups get caught up in the stereotypes and don’t see the common thread of humanity. This is where IBA steps in, to get through the stereotypes to a place where solutions to issues can be discussed and achieved.

Meeting a client where they are at in their process is absolutely critical to achieving any organization's strategic goals. There isn't a "one-size-fits-all" approach to achieving mutually beneficial outcomes for sincere parties, but rather a tailored approach that is cognizant of internal and external constraints. Depending on where our clients are at in their own process, we will meet them there, to achieve their strategic goals.

Our current and past partners are the reason for our existence – from small community organizations to global corporations. Contact us to see why IBA is trusted by our friends in business.






Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities and ways we can help move tribal and industry cultures forward together. Please get in touch and one of our advisors will contact you about your project needs.